Tuesday, May 25, 2010

Photo update

So far so GREAT with the new position. I'm learning a lot so far. It can only get better from here! I thought I'd update with some more photos about what's up in my world.

This is my roof garden before the newest addition. We've got green beans, yellow squash, sugar snap peas, cherry tomato, spinach, cucumber, jalapeno pepper, regular tomato, zucchini and broccoli. On Monday Miguel and I planted four more tomato plants, a hot pepper plant (possibly kimchi?) and an eggplant plant. I got all of them from the WYG! In the front yard we have more zukes, peas, tomatoes & green beans. Additionally in the front we have butternut squash, watermelon, cantaloupe, spearmint, chocolate peppermint, flat leaf parsley, cilantro, basil, lemon balm and bronze fennel. GROW GARDEN GROW!

Speaking of the WYG, last week we had a great volunteer turnout. We also had two black rat snakes volunteer to hang around with us while we mulched the tomatoes! Look at how good those beds look!

Some baby kiwis growing at the WYG. For real. I've never seen kiwi grow before; pretty sweet.

Back row: Shubra, Ellie, Brittany, Erica, Krista, me; Front row: Vince, Sayid, Kathryn
From our service days! Read more.

Maybe you noticed my tree pose? I've been trying to keep up with doing yoga regularly here at home.

I've also been riding my bike around a lot more but I always have to check the weather first because my wheels are old and made of steel. The what-I-will-buy-when-I'm-not-living-paycheck-to-paycheck list is growing every day, but aluminum wheels are up there.

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