Thursday, April 15, 2010

tune yards

Last night I saw Merrill Garbus & Nate Brenner play as Tune Yards at DC9. They opened for Xiu Xiu and also completely showed them up. Merrill is tremendous. I'm totally pumped for the new 7" to come in a format I can listen to.

Before the show I did the obligatory "hey I like you" thing with her and introduced myself in the context of Bloomington and Mike. It got me thinking about how long I've associated or identified myself as a girlfriend or bff of a local celebrity/rock star. It was weird to do that here, in this new city, my city.

No offense to anyone I used to date or any bffs of mine who also happen to be talented musicians, but that kind of sucks in a way. I mean, I want to tell people about that time I got to sit behind the mixer at Daytrotter (+394 hip lady points, no?) but I can't without it being about David.

As a result, I came home and stayed up very late perusing music blogs and deciding that I'm ready to make some decisions about what music I'm really diggin' instead of what I think I should be diggin' based on what the boy I'm smoochin' is listening to. Stay tuned?

P.S. Choice numero uno is for sure the new Tallest Man on Earth... who happen to be on a label based outta Bloomington. Bah! Download "King of Spain" -->>here<<--

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