Tuesday, January 19, 2010


I have been a Spoon fan since it was introduced to me my sophomore year of high school.

On long drives to and from school when I transferred to Harmony I would bop along to Kill the Moonlight. The summer after graduation when David and I first moved in together we would do dishes and listen to Gimme Fiction. I was a little disappointed with Ga Ga Ga Ga Ga, but I knew (esp. after that Daytrotter sesh [with a Paul Simon cover ?!?]) that one day Britt Daniel would make it up to me.

Well folks, the day has come.

I listened to Transference non-stop all weekend through NPR's Exclusive First Listen. It was released today, so I can't stream it for free any longer. As a professional volunteer, I have $0 to put towards it. So I think YOU should buy it and then send me the songs. Do it for me. Do it for Britt Daniel.

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